Wendy's Fundraiser Today!

30 Apr by Neil Parrott

Time to SUPPORT YOUR TEAM! If you are happy that we offer low-cost registration and that we offer an early-bird discount, head over to the Garland Groh area, do your shopping at Walmart, pop into HomeGoods or Home Depot, then grab food at Wendy’s!

Please remember to state that you are with HASS, BEFORE YOU ORDER. They have to “push a button” for the fundraiser when they take your order. Order 6 breakfast sandwiches and freeze them for later this week! Order extra hamburgers and surprise the grandparents!

I will be in the dining room between 6 and 8pm, in case you have questions, know friends who have questions, or need registration forms! Today is the last day for Early Bird Registration for the Swim Team!

Thanks for helping us raise funds to keep our registration affordable!

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